Helping You Better Manage Your Chronic Condition
Stay Ahead of Your Diabetes
Every brand has stories to tell. At Diabetes Self Care Management Institute in Maryland, we deliver measurable outcomes by using evidence-based treatment plans that work.

Our team increases access to diabetes specialty care with in-office consultations. In addition, we establish a collaborative workflow with other providers to help close the loop in the patient’s diabetes treatment.
We integrate various aspects of the chronic care model to meet each participant where they’re at. Our program is geared to empower each individual with knowledge and understanding on how to successfully self-manage their diabetes and prevent complications.
Our Programs
Assess and implement advanced treatment plans for patients at various stages of the disease
Provide holistic care and treats the patients as a whole
Work in concert with the primary care provider to support the patient’s unique circumstances
Initiate complex diabetes medications and self-management regimens
Provide close follow-up and supervision of complex treatment plans
Address proactive care intervention for disease management and the prevention of complications
What We Address
Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Off-to-College Preparation and Support
Transitioning From Hospital to Home
Insulin Pump Training
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Training
Data Interpretation and Medication Management

Classes We Offer
Caring for Gestation Diabetes
Continued Self-Care Management
Diabetes and Healthy Eating
Information on Pre-Diabetes and Care
Monitoring Your Blood Sugar
Pre-Conception and Diabetes
Tools to Better Manage Your Diabetes
*We also provide one-on-one consultations, follow-ups, and more.

You can now pay for a class online
Interest in attending one of classes? You can now pay online! Just use the PayPal link below, email the proof of payment to dscmi.first@gmail.com and we'll contact you to confirm a date and time for your appointment.
Remember, all appointments are current virtual, this is in place to protect both you and our team from the risk of contracting the highly infectious COVID-19 virus.
We look forward to hearing from you soon